An Chuntas Mór
"The usual way you get your CD into a shop is through a distributor. The first hard fact you better face is that the distributor doesnt want your CD and the shop doesnt want it either! That's exactly how they feel
about it so you might as well know it. They don't have to hear it. They know they don't want it. And why is that? Well, its nothing personal. Its just that they already have far more product
than they can handle and another CD from some unkown bunch of hopefuls is just what they dont need. As I say, its nothing personal. Its just the way it is".
Famous Irish music industry personality [my emphasis] "Oh right Ted"! Bríd "To succeed in the music business take control " Kieran Goss "Right"! Bríd Aint nothin like takin control. This is were Im going to keep a tally of the number of cds I have sold through my website and respectively how many I still have to sell in order to get my bank account back to scratch. I'd like to thank Karyn for giving me the idea, (What?!! You've never heard of although I did have the idea WAY before she did! My original plan was to start a website with some demo songs and ask people to help me finance the making of my cd by ordering and paying for one in advance. © Bríd Ní Mhaoileoin July 2004! Now theres an idea for someone out there! (If you do it, dont forget to mention me!) Anywho, (I wonder where I got that word!), I didnt go ahead with it (the website idea) but I did go ahead with the cd - although I knew that getting distribution would be not be easy. And it's not! So I started my own online shop and I am very grateful to anyone who buys a cd. I look upon you as my sponsors. Everyone who buys a cd will be mentioned here below and are official sponsors of my debut cd "Ar Mhuin na Muice". Itll make the tax-mans job easier too ;-) So yer all asking, how many cds does she have to sell then, to break even. Well, its exaclty 1,111. Of course the cd is being sold by other online shops as well - if any are sold (and I am paid) I will obviously include this in my grand tally. Also any cds sold at concerts will also be taken into consideration. And if youre asking yourself how come it cost so much, then click on FAQ. Thank you. Go raibh maith agaibh. Ye sponsors of independent music makers! |
Date/Dáta/Datum | Name/Ainm/Name | Note/Nóta/Anmerkung |
28th June |
Karen Brennan Ennis, Ireland |
Bought the very first cd from my online shop! 1,110 to go! |
5th July |
Eduard Dewald San Fransisco, CA, USA |
Bought the very second cd from my online shop! 1,109 to go! |
21st July |
Tony Neville Dublin, Ireland |
Bought 20 cds to give his customers as Christmas presents. Go raibh míle maith agat Tony. Thank you very very much. You dont know how much I appreciate that! 1,089 to go! |
28th July |
Margot Hubka Vienna, Austria |
Bought the very first cd online within Austria! Liebe Grüße nach Wien! 1,088 to go! |
30th July |
Mirella Burri Bern, Switzerland |
Bought the very first cd online within Switzerland! Grüsslies nach Bern! 1,087 to go! |
2nd August |
Tadhg Ó Muirís Toronto, Canada |
Bought the very first cd online to go to Canada! Merci mille fois! Go raibh maith agat, a Thadhg! 1,086 to go! |
14nd August |
Daniela Redl Bachzeile 7, 8383 Doiber, Bürgenland, Österreich |
Bought the very first cd to go to Bürgenland in Austria! Danke dir, Daniela! 1,085 to go! |
19th August |
Judith Treml Austria |
The very first Austrian who bought 2 cds with the intention of sending one of them to Scotland as a present. Och thanks lassie! 1,083 to go! |
22nd August |
Willem Douma, Friesland, Holland |
The very first online sale to Holland. Dank u! 1,082 to go! |
25th August |
Martin Finke Ireland |
The very first singer/songwriter from Ireland to order a cd online. Check out his website. Noice one for thah an yer bleedin family too! 1,081 to go! |
1st September |
Stephen Donohue MI, USA |
Stephen gets firsts all around! The first cd to go to Michigan AND its the first of September! The first online sale of September. Way to go Stephen! Thanks! 1,080 to go! |
17th November 2004 |
Nikki L. Ragsdale CA, USA |
The first American Irish-language singer to buy a cd. Check out her own cd at: Maith thú a Nikki! Adh mór ort leis an DD! 1,079 to go! |
27th December 2004 |
Anthony Creech KY, USA |
The first American tin whistle-learner to buy a cd from my online shop. Go raibh maith agat Anthony! And keep practising that whistle! 1,078 to go! |
30th January 2005 |
Catherine OShea Co. Kerry, Ireland |
The first cd of 2005 from my online shop. Go raibh maith agat Catherine! 1,077 to go! |